Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Play date at the ARK

Taylor spent the morning with me, we did our volunteer work at the Y, I help on Tues mornings, the housing authority has a food program in the summer for kids. We have to put the cereal/milk out & we visit with the kids, when we open the boxes we mix them with different varieties that is what T is helping me, mix the different kinds of cereal packets.
When we got home she pottied in the potty that is why she is clapping
Our church has a big ARK the kids can play on & in, so we met our friends for a play date, well of course we had to take our potty chair.. T did so good, she pottied 3 times at the play date...
Here is the front of the ARK you can see Todd at the top
there are all kinds of places to crawl & hide in the ARK
T liked the climbibng wall

another potty break, Ruth was showing Taylor her boo boo...

Taylor really liked the teeter totter

Then we went behind the church where the golf course is & found a little stream with tadpoles & frogs..

time for a picnic lunch

mommy came & we had to potty again so we pottied in the back of grandma's car, T thought that was funny
Had my yearly checkup, feel very blessed that Im pretty healthy..

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Landon Birthday & church

Taylor wearing our name tags at church
T had a cute dress on today & big girl panties :) no accidents at church
They passed out some instrauments toplay during praise & worship songs, T did her part...
Stopped by to wish Landon a Happy 5th birthday (Tues) he got a new DS whatever that is some kind of game thing, we got him a gift card so he could get a game for it..
Having cake with Landon

Friday, July 27, 2012

Rummage Bargains

Jess called this morning to see if there were any good rummages I said not really, she said there was one posted on line in Van Buren did I want to go, so I said sure. The girl posted it as anything & everything you need for a baby & was she right. I really was down to just trying to find a swing.
She had lots of everything (she has 1 year old twins & a 3 yr old). The swings we have been finding have been between $20-30, this one was $10 & it folds up pretty compact.
She had 2 car seats for $5 each & they were the kind with the base you leave in the car, I got this one, so much easier than hooking them in & out every time. Its a graco like Jess so it should probably hook into their stroller too.
This cute little play mat with musical things that dangle was also only $5
The Bumbo chair which Jess loved for T & she really just quit using a few months back was $10, Jess said new they run atleast $40, baby food holder & bottles for my house
and of course a few clothes.:) well I think it will be easier for Jess to not have to haul anything but breast milk back & forth, I need to get some bigger clothes from Jess for T. All of these lovely goodies cost me $41.. Im ready now we just need a baby...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Johnsons swimming , T good potty day

Taylor & I spent the morning togethe while mommy went to school to work on her room, we had a successful morning of going to the potty & no accidents, we played in her room & she had her piggy bank out, Grandpa Larry must give her coins out of his pocket she kept tuggin on my shorts but no pockets no change so we went & found my purse.
she found some coins & then was on a mission to get them to her piggy bank

We had a little problem the piggy bank didnt have a stopper so the coins kept falling out..Hey it was entertainment for about 20 minutes
These must be taylors Olympic sunglasses :) she is all set

Later in teh day I took The Johnson family swimming at Matt & Jess' , Aiden
Gavin, he wasnt a swimmer
Taylor woke up & came to swim, it started to rain so we had to take cover on the back porch for about 10 minutes.
then back in the pool

Taylor was helping Corbin put his goggles on ..She had a great afternoon pottying, 2 times she told us & both times I took her in & she went potty right away..Yea for Taylor.....