Jess called this morning to see if there were any good rummages I said not really, she said there was one posted on line in Van
Buren did I want to go, so I said sure. The girl posted it as anything & everything you need for a baby & was she right. I really was down to just trying to find a swing.
She had lots of everything (she has 1 year old twins & a 3 yr old). The swings we have been finding have been between $20-30, this one was $10 & it folds up pretty compact.

She had 2 car seats for $5 each & they were the kind with the base you leave in the car, I got this one, so much easier than hooking them in & out every time. Its a
graco like Jess so it should probably hook into their stroller too.

This cute little play mat with musical things that dangle was also only $5

Bumbo chair which Jess loved for T & she really just quit using a few months back was $10, Jess said new they run
atleast $40, baby food holder & bottles for my house

and of course a few clothes.:) well I think it will be easier for Jess to not have to haul anything but breast milk back & forth, I need to get some bigger clothes from Jess for T. All of these lovely goodies cost me $41..
Im ready now we just need a baby...