Monday on my way to Bible Study- beautiful wildflowers God put on the side of the road for me, nice to see some color with o rain everything is dry & wilted looking

We had storms on Tuesday, & I must not have
gotten the cabinet door closed & this is where I found Emmy hiding.

We can thank Chuck for the rain, he put deck sealer on Monday Night & said it needs to stay dry for 24 hours & of course then it rained on Tues..

Nat is out of town for work so we took Family Dinner Night to the
Zickafoose house, Chuck wanted to swim after this
hot ,heat advisory day., so we swam before dinner.It was cute when we walked in the house Chuck yelled G-daddy is in the house & you could hear Taylor squealing with delight from upstairs..

getting her lotion on.

New little lady bug float Grandma Jackie brought her this weekend

Jumping in to mommy

sweeping the pool deck lets hope she always keeps this cleaning routine up as she gets older.
doesnt she look like such a big girl with her pony tail in the back.

wasnt to thrilled with grandma salad dinner night. I made Grandma Jackie
broc/cauliflower salad, my friend
Vals pasta salad & a taco salad (the taco salad was yummy), plus watermelon, she really only liked the watermelon, but I redeemed myself by bringing the leftover dessert from last night (we had a family from church for dinner, their youngest daughter we took golfing a few
sundays ago & the oldest daughter leaves in 2 weeks for college she will be a freshman at Purdue studying Elementary Education.

Taylor showing G-daddy the cool bouncing ball toy
grandma jackie & grandpa Larry brought.

yes Taylor has a black eye, she woke up on Monday with it, Jess asked us & Jackie & Larry if she did anything on Sunday which she
didnt only thing we can figure is she hit her face on the rocking chair in the night, Jess said she got up & was screaming. Once again glad she
didnt get hurt on my watch :) Taylor had a pretty good potty day today & was even signing the word potty telling mommy when she had to go..Yippee!!!!
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