Coloring before going on our walk. Taylor has a nice grasp on her writing hand, holding the crayon like you do when you start writing , good fine motor skills. Her coloring is getting more then just a few scribbles.

After our walk we decided to walk down to the water & look at the ducks next time we will have to take bread

We were not down there long & the ducks flocked over to us, T thought that was fun, I was a bit freaked out by them,

They all left when they saw we
didnt have anything, but this one kept coming back...

These are the steps to get down to the water, bummer
no one was in the river fishing for T to see.

She found G-Daddy sandals in the garage from yesterday & was worried about them until I told her she
could bring them in for him & she marched right back & put them in our bedroom.

Taylor spent quite a bit of time in her time out chair today. Did not potty once on the potty, even managed to potty on grandma ( glad I was at home so I could change clothes), that
wasnt the reason for the time out though, she was disobedient to grandma & it was a test of the wills.. Just so everyone knows Grandma
didnt cave in.. She finally broke down & did what I asked her to do. She almost missed lunch because of her stubbornness.
Isnt this a pitiful look.

Of course she managed to entertain herself in the chair.

all of our wet plastic pants, the underwear are in the washer. Tomorrow is a new day...:)
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