Working on our letter T at the chalk board. Actually she just says T a lot...

Went outside to do some weeding at the kids house.

Went to get my little garden/tool bench out of the car & T climbed in, I think that girl thinks we need to go all the time, sorry not today, little one. She
wouldnt come out so I left the door open & went over & started weeding, she finally decided to come help :)

Getting her gloves & tools out..
Ahhh doesnt this look better

Now on to the back yard :), T pushed our little bench thing around to the back, it sure is nice to sit on while you are weeding & working in the yard. I actually kind of enjoyed it this morning (not normally an outdoor yard work kind of gal), but it was a nice cool morning with a little sunshine..so not to hot..

decided we better start clearing a spot to plant the tulips & the rose bush has grown all over the place. Not sure if I pruned or trimmed it right but we did the best we could

Taylor would go slide for a bit & then come & help for a bit, it was a nice pleasant morning being outside & doing our thing...:)

We used T little wheelbarrow to carry the weeds to the burn pile

You should see her face she is really working hard...

Back to get more....

One glove (
hmm maybe a Michael
Jackson look), it hardly stayed on & then she would use the hand without the glove to pick up the weeds..

Almost lost our load but not quite.

Much better now we are ready to plant in a few weeks.

We tried to save & arrange some of the roses we cut off, Flower arranging is not my thing
The pool is officially closed, kids got a cover put on it & all the stuff off the deck
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