mian bath medicine cabinet before (this was todays challenge)

the stuff out of the cabinet


under main bath sink before

after (this wasnt on the challenge but I was on a bathroom roll) LOL

master bathroom medicine cabinet - before

stuff out of the cabinet


under master bath cabinet- before


master bath drawers- before


another drawer - before

after, doesnt look that great but it is my hair stuff & extra make up in a bag so it is a bit organized

coat closet before

above the coats - before

below the coats - before

other side opposite the coats- dont ask me why I have an ironing board I NEVER use it, hardly use the iron & if I do I just iron on a towel on the kitchen counter ,I think my mom taught me that.LOL

all the stuff out of the hall coat closet


above- after

below- after

coats after I purged several/ Chuck needs to purge a few also :)

under the kitchen sink- before

everything out - I have way too many plastic Walmart bags

gross I know but you have to work with what you got....:)


spice & baking cabinet before

nothing inside

everything out

after, I even labeled things :) (label maker is my friend)
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