Brittany & Andy came for a visit, & it was family dinner night. Didnt get to see the "promise ring" as its being sized..

1st day back with T

Not sure what the face was about.., She was all happy til nap time, she isnt to thrilled with the whole new plan of us just laying her down for nap..Lots of crying & screaming going on..

Today we were at our house, she found the coloring book & crayons I put in a basket with her stuff so I put her in her chair to "color" she did a little but was more interested in trying to taste the crayons.

I bought a package of kids silverware at a rummage this summer, well Ive decided the spoons to big she grabs it with her teeth & wont let go & this is what happens, it flips up to her nose.

Sometimes she leaves it like that or she grabs the spoon like the photo above

lovin her g-daddy

all bundled up with her cute little scarf
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