The other day I gave T a 1/2 bagel with jelly she was funny, she figured out how to put it on her thumb & eat it..

Pure joy at the revelation she could hold it with her thumb

She was a sticky mess when she was done , but she loved the snack

Cute little sweater Ithink gma Jackie got her, looked so cute with her jeans

Momma had a snow delay so she got some extra momma time this morning. She has been a little cranky today, but I put together this basket (thanks for the basket Jackie I have found lots of different uses for it already), that had lots of different kitchen utentsils. Montessori says children need to play with & explore using "real life" objects. Its nice that toy makers may small versions of alot of these things for kids to use in a play kitchen but Maria Montessori (who studied children birth to 7 biggest learning in a childs life) says its important for children to get a sense of "the real world" around them. T enjoyed pulling things out & playing/observing them & then we played where I would ask her for something out of the basket & tell her to put it in the cup. She is very smart, & did very well at this game after I showed her all the items 1st & their names.

we had an ice cream scoop, measuring cups & spoons, tongs,spatula, cheese spreader, melon baller, potato masher, wooden spoon

She was helping make peanut butter cup brownies for dessert tonight at bible study.

she helped mix the brownies

And handed me the reese cups to unwrap

Of course after lunch we had to taste our yummy pnb brownie cups :) She enjoyed them can you tell

We are having trouble with our computer but today it was working for a bit so I hurried to put these up, hopefully we will get it figured out soon, otherwise you will get sporatic updates on whats going on with all of us (well ya know Taylor LOL)
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