Sunday, January 29, 2012

Celebrating Birthdays

Birthday dinner to celebrate, Brittany turning 19 , Bryce turning 16 & Jessica turning 27 WOW how did that all happen....:)The birthdya people & Nana sat in the dining room
The non birthday people :) sat in the kitchen
mini birthday cakes so e could have a variety
Birthday girl last year in the teens
wow getting closer to some independence
totally independent :)
All the bithday people
Landon enjoyed the cake
g-daddy making sure his girl gets a piece
She likes celebrating birthdays even if it isnt hers

who needs presents just give me CAKE!!!
Britt & Andy
Nana bought Natalie a new pair of feet pj's but decided she would wear them while she was in cold INDIANA

T & Landon are crazy about each other
opening gifts
trying out the heated heart Natalie gave Britt. Its like an ice pack except has heat nice for when you are sore
Everyone enjooyed finding out their age onthe WII
a little bowling

a little tennis
little baseball

It was a fun evening everyone left about 8 & then Jeremy, Natalie, Bryce, mom ,Chuck & I all played Cranium it was fun. Natalie & I were partners & won, CHuck & Bryce did pretty well as did Nana & Jeremy...

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