I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins last night so I took some over to teh kids along with warm apple cidar yum
Even Morgan had her first experience rummaging at 12 days old. she was quite the trooper
rummage out in the drive , we made it til about 3 & then it started to rain. We actually made some money,
Taylor had a pj day. We just put shoes on her & coat & hat & she was good to go.
mommy found some wimdow stickers so T got to decorate her windows
The cute blanket a friend from church made & she had me knot it, She was going to show me how to quilt I really was hoping to get to help but baby Morgan decided to come early
Morgan was awake this evening while G-Daddy held her during the ND game
I gave T the quarter change we had left from the rummage, this is her excited face.
She wants the coins out after she puts them in, then we had to put some in Morgans piggy bank
T & Morgan took a bath together
T helped wash Morgans hair
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