Jess went to school this morning, but called me at 10 & said Im on my way home to meet Matt & going to the hospital, I will call you after I know if they are going to keep me, I was hosting Womans Bible Study, so I had a houseful of ladies. Matt called me about 11:20 & said they are hooking her up & getting her settled. I asked how she was doing he said not so well. I called Chuck , then Natalie. Natalie came & stayed with T so I could go up. I got there about 12 & Jess was upset they were not going to be able to give her an epidural (she was not a happy camper), Morgan Ann was born at 12:25, so she went fast... Morgan is 6lbs 4 oz, 19 1/2 inches, she has lots of dark hair. Looks a lot like T except T had blonde highlights. Jess ica did a great job, poor Matt wasnt feeling to great but we figured he is on a new blood pressure medicine & I think he got sweaty, & a bit dizzie, but it all went well & Jess looks great & feels I think much better than she did after having T with all the drugs etc..

Auntie Nat came up after G-daddy relieved her...
We are going to take T up after she gets up from nap. Morgan was getting a bath when I left & I think Jess was goign to get a shower. I will hopefully have more pictures of the little family tonight.. Welcome to our world Little Miss Morgan, we already are in love with you....
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