Tuesday, July 26, 2011

100 Days of Praise

Praising God for the gift of life...
Amos 5:6 says Seek the Lord and ye shall live...
Life is a glorious gift from God. Treat it that way. and while your at it praise the giver for his gift. This day like every other , is filled to the brim with opportunities, challenges and choices. But no choice you make today is more important than the choice you make concerning God. You will either place him at the center of your life- or not- and the consequences of that choice have implications that are both temporal and eternal. Sometimes without realizing it we drift away from the One we need most. Thankfully God never drifts from us.
Ive finally realized that if something has no significant value, it doesn't deserve my time. Life is not a dress rehearsal, and I'll never get this day again.--Sheri Rose Shepherd
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.--Ephesians 4:1

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