Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday's activities

Taylor in her cute new headband she got at Shipshewana
Eating one of grandpa pancakes

It was nice to have Logan & Kierstyn & Chuck tohelp us load up and take stuff to Jess new classroom
Its so nice not to be doing my preschool room & Jess classroom also
we didnt do anything to Jess classroom just got all the stuff unloaded, she has lots of nice storage atleast..
Kierstyn & Logan posing by Abe Lincoln
There was a "zoo" exhibit in the mall parking lot

Taylor was a little interested I think she was more interested in the other kids
baby tiger
Landon rode on the camel
Landon on the camel all by himself :)

Big tiger

Taylor trying to help Auntie Natalie take pictures
one of my preschoolers & her brother got their picture taken with the baby cub
oh yes & we saw a panda bear there too :)
root beer floats
Logan had a root beer float & a brownie ice cream sundae :)
big game of dominoes

yes it was hot & yes all we do is eat. :)

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