Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Stuff

playing ball
cute little outfit
million dollar smile
thanks Auntie Michelle for the new pj's
new ball pit
she likes to stick her hand out the hole, she thinks she is so clever (well she is we all know)
yep she is going to be a reader :)
she can now reach her feet tippy toe on the horse
practicing putting her hat & mittens on
its been a beautiful week we have been soaking up the sun
made T & Chuck these cute mailboxes for Valentine's. I am putting a little surprise inside each day.The mailboxes were in the dollar bins at Target & I added the vinyl monogram & the xoxo on the side

T liked opening her mailbox after nap to find cool kazoo's inside...
After family dinner we all did the WII to see our ages everyone seems to be going down but mine...Hmmm
It was so cool today when T & I were at Dollar Tree she saw I had some teddy grahams in my purse, she started pointed so I asked her what she wanted & she signed the word for "eat". Then I said you need to say Please & she signed the word for "please" & when she wanted more she signed the word for "more", it was so exciting to see that she is picking the signing up. SHe is so sweet when I tell her its time to pray before eating she folds her little hands.. SWEET!!!!

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