our 1st snow, it was BEAUTIFUL, big soft fluffy snowflakes & I didnt have to get out in it :)

I was so excited for Taylor to wake up from nap & see the snow, it wasnt snowing when she went down for her nap. She wasnt really sure what to think.

I thought Id push her to the mailbox in her car, well the snow was to heavy & wet & already to deep for her car wheels to go

Looking at the snow from inside where it was warmer

Chucks 1st advent said Im so glad your my "honey", & under the tree was a package of one of his favorites, Honey Buns. I know its kind of corny but who cares, little corny notes hopefully remind Chuck of how much I love him & what an amazing person I think he is!!!!

Made some pumpkin bread & choc chip pumpkin muffins with one of the last 2 cans of pumpkin I had, going to a prayer circle at church today & taking the ladies a treat..

cute little tag I found on a person blog, I love the internet & all the creative ideas people share out there..
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