Poor me I had to test the fudge since noone else was here...

In memory of my dad I made peanut butter fudge this year, I put it in cupcake holders thought it might go on the trays nicer.

Taylor stayed with us while Matt & jess went out to dinner with some people from Matts job

We found her this cute packback yeterday, Jess has been looking for her one, we gave it to her so we didnt mess up our 3 gift idea...

I made the sugar cookies (this is a yummy recipe from my friend it has cream cheese in it.. I made the peanut butter ball dough up & both fudges so we wont have that to do tomorrow. Jess made a few other kinds of cookies ahead , tomorrow we, have to dip the pnb balls, make the dirty snowballs, ice the cookies, chex mix, pretzel,m&m kiss things, toffee & Matts pnb kiss cookies. I think that is all...Every year we say we are going to cut back but when I ask everyone what they want it is such a variety & you cant not make someone favorites. We are going to miss our kiss unwrapper (mom), our fudge stirrer (Bryce) & one of our sugar cookie icing queens (Brittany), but we know you are having a great time in TX. Love you guys...

T eating her spaghetti at our house

loaded up & ready to go tomorrow

G-daddy playing with T
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