Kind of a blurry photo but we had our small group "Christmas" party tonight & I wanted to make sure we were celebrating Jesus' birthday,s o we had birthday cake & sang Happy Birthday.

John Harmon brought some special coffee I think from turkey

He used a special pot to brew it, it was VERY strong. The guys only drank a small amount, like
espresso maybe???

We had yummy dessert, Cathy brought a cake from a specialty place (cant remember the name), Jean made a wonderful pumpkin type cheesecake with a praline topping,
Snyders brought some yummy peppermint bark candy

The minute to win it games were pretty funny & some challenging, But Scott managed to get the cookie in his mouth in under a minute

Rod almost had it a few times but never quite got it in his mouth

John worked at it pretty good but
didnt get it in his mouth either.

It was
definitely entertaining to watch everyone try.

Next you had to get
Rudolph's red nose on , your nose had
Vaseline on it & the red nose hung from a string & you
couldnt use your hands, We
thought maybe it was impossible, Chuck
couldnt do it, but

not sure what
Chuck is doing pretty funny

Jessica managed to do it in under a minute

Cathy almost got it a few times but never quite managed

Next was how many marshmallows can you toss in the wreath in a minute

Jean got 4

Kelly did a little better I think with 6 or 8

Poor Jean got hammered with all the marshmallows

Juli decided her
strategy was to throw a bunch all at one time & hope for the best, she ended up getting the most

poor Jean
didnt know what to think with all those marshmallows flying her way

stacking the red cups, the guys were slow & methodical

Cathy was a little faster & a different plan of stacking

Jessica was the winner, I would say her "youth" helped her a lot in the games

The "nut" stacker (instead of nut cracker) game was a little more challenging

Kelly was on a roll til her stack fell over right at the end

Cathy did pretty good until the end & hers fell over too....

Next we each read part of the Christmas story & the order we read in was the order we did the white elephant game

After everyone picked & thought they had their gift, Chuck read a poem about the "right" family & every time it said right or left in the story you had to pass your gift that direction.

Was pretty funny , Kelly ended up with the gift she brought, & Scott ended up with the picture of himself that Chuck blew up as a gag gift. I had a good time & think everyone enjoyed themselves.
We love this group of people they are very special to us, & sharing our faith & the joy of Christ birth was wonderful....
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