Cute little feet pj's Nana gave T for her birthday. We had a
pj morning ,played a bit & then worked on the closet.

crazy hair

I sit on the twin bed & read the paper while T plays & Tyson usually lays beside me, I looked up & this is what I saw, Taylor "feeding" Tyson with a baby bottle, he is such a good dog, he let her keep putting the bottle up to his mouth.

Taylor was trying to tame the hangers... :)

Then she decided to "help" me hang up the clothes..

I decided the best way to clean & organize the closet was to lay the clothes in piles on the bed. I enjoy organizing other peoples stuff to bad not to thrilled to do my own.

The start of our organizing project

Taylor found her suitcase & decided to wheel it around, I think she was saying she wants to stay the night with grandma & g-daddy...:)

Her face is funny in this picture

The suitcase is multi purposeful, she is now sitting on it & back to the hangers

things up again, of course she was hanging up her dirty laundry, kept her busy..

Im a little crazy, not thrilled with my little labels but they work maybe I will come home & make some nicer ones. I organized the 18 month stuff by, pant outfits, short outfits, dresses, shirts, shorts & pants & winter (she has a handful of things that are more fall/
winterish. Hard to know how long she will be in 18 months. I moved her 24 month things to the closet in the other room, which will be her room when the baby comes. Jess & I are planning to paint & get that room ready for Taylor this summer so she can move in before the baby comes, I think that is what the doctor told Jess would be the easiest transition ,instead of waiting till the baby comes & then moving her, to many new things at once.. I condensed the 12 month stuff to non winter stuff, that is the size she is in now. I think the child is set for 18 month clothes..
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