The kids all enjoyed playing outside

Chloe & Landon

Taylor trying out the new slide

Lainie(not sure about
the spelling) trying out the swing

looks like maybe some snack time & picnics outside for grandma & Taylor now that we have a place to sit

Landon was filling the water bucket for the water table

I think boys are bug magnets, Landon has a caterpillar of some kind crawling on his arm :)

Even daddy played in the water table

Landon & Taylor are good buddies

I guess Taylor did good picking out the goodies for the kids bags. :)

Chuck ended up moving the big green slide to the little fort, now T will be able to go on it when its just she & I right now its to high & someone needs to be at the top & someone at the bottom.

looks like we will need more rocks & timbers to fill in a bigger space for the play area.

Chuck goofing off after attaching the little fort to the big fort. Im sure the Shaeffers next door are thinking what the heck are they doing over there. Our yard is becoming one big JUNGLE GYM..
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