The kids stopped by after church, to drop off some rummage boxes. Taylor looked cute at church. Well she always looks cute.

T had to get a quick little ride in, mommy Jess has a bump showing now.

checking out the trunk

pushing it herself.

Natalie & Jeremy stopped by to bring me beautiful flowers from their yard & Natalie brought me a cool unique Mothers Day gift. Each day I open an envelop until my birthday in June & each day there is a task I have to complete & then
Im suppose to take a photo (I guess to prove I did it)
LOL she must not trust me, actually then I have to post it to the blog. She said T is getting a little too much blog time. The note from
todays envelope said "Happy Mothers Day, I never really know what to get you for holidays because you
dont need material things. SO here is my
attempt at trying to be creative.(she is very creative
dont let her kid you). Your mission if you choose to accept will be to open the envelopes on the corresponding days & complete the task for the day & then post it on your blog as proof of completion. And because Taylor has over run the blog and I want to redeem my spot as the coolest kid in your life :)
Todays mission: Relax Its your Day!
Well I did that, Chuck & I took a nap in the hammock & I read a bit in the KINDLE & watched the season finale of SURVIVOR. Very relaxing day..Mission Accomplished!!!!Cant wait to see what tomorrow holds...:)Thanks for the cool, thoughtful gift Natalie...

my flowers....
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