Chuck helped me put the rummage out at 6 am, I should have opened at 6 or 7, Jess & T arrived about 715... Boy was it hot int he 90's today....

Lots of stuff

Taylor came prepared with her cool chair & cup with her name on it.

She even had a place to put her snack of grapes, we know its a cup holder but she thinks outside the box...
She is so smart...

talking on the phone, she was a busy girl playing with the toys from the sale, rearranging price tags, I guess it
wasnt so smart to have some things at her level..Love how she drags this phone around, she is used to the tiny cell phone. lots of things that T wont know in her life time one being a house phone attached to a wall...:)

she even made some new friends.. This little girl had on a cute little outfit T had when she was little.

decided to push the bear in the car, I told you she was a busy girl....

Even Bryce came to visit us for awhile , it was nice to have extra hands when it was time to pack up :)

Taylor pricing herself :) sorry no price high enough for our "priceless" little T

Now she is talking on
gma cell phone, funny she would walk around jabbering & then she would pause like the other person was talking &
then she would jabber some more, the phone
wasnt on so she was talking to
no one.
Funny when she is talking to a real person she says nothing but when there is
no one one the other end she jabbers up a storm. :)
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