Poor Taylor fell off the back porch at their house last night & got a cut above her eye & a spot on her nose & a bloody nose, lots of blood. We happen to be over there looking at the paint job on the pool deck &
playset. Glad she
didnt get her 1st big boo boo on my watch..:) She was pretty upset, Jess & I took her inside to clean her up & I suggested a
Popsicle she stopped crying right away,( you know T & her food) :) she was a trooper though letting us clean it up.

Mr Potato head on the fridge

cute new baby MI grandma brought her. pretty cute the way she carries it around

We started working on drinking out of a regular cup today, she did pretty good, I only put a little in her cup at a time.

Rained a lot of the day so we
didnt get to much outdoor time.

She was so cute in her little Nike outfit

She had to dry off the slide & swing before she could play.
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