Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Busy Crazy Day

Jess has been going through my learning boxes & Taylor & I found a big toothbrush in one of the boxes.
Taylor enjoys brushing her teeth, she tried to brush with this brush but it was to big to fit in her mouth.
I read the paper on the bed in the playroom while she is playing but today she decided she would sit with me & read..

reading it to her baby, upside down even...
She went grocery shopping with her little basket
Taylor loves her babies
Showing off on her little barbie 4 wheeler
Tea party with g-daddy
of course we are writing, gma just makes sure the pen is closed
G-daddy took us to Wendy's for lunch, taylor loves to dip her fries
And frosty's are yummy too.
After nap she just wanted to carry her basket of eggs around
Snack was peaches & grapes, She loves grapes & would eat them all day long I think.
We picked Auntie Nat up for a walk at the park, that was a crazy idea.. Auntie Nat left grandma's camera & cell phone on top of the car & we didnt realize it till we were at the other side of the park & I wanted to take a picture, Natalie hurried back to the car, T & I decided to start walking back thinking we had the keys, WRONG, Auntie Nat had them & about that time we saw her drive past, she didnt see us, so we tried to catch her, it was probably at least 15-20 more minutes before we found each other I think we were all ready to go home. Praise the Lord my stuff was still on top of the car. I was pretty proud of myself I didnt freak out about just said a prayer & let it go, after all it was just a camera & a cell phone it wasnt like something happened to one of us. God is Good, all the time, God is good!!!

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