Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tommy & Phoebe visit

g-daddy & Taylor hanging out, this is what g-daddy has to look forward to in retirement, of course that is several years off so Matt & Jess better space out their babies & maybe Natalie will hold off several more years so g-daddy will have little ones to love on when he retires,.
Chucks nephew Tommy & his wife Phoebe, came to visit & we went to Burger King for lunch. It was so nice to catch up & visit with them....
Taylor has gotten spoiled this week going out to lunch having shakes & frosty's. G-Daddy is going to have to go back to work or Miss T is going to outgrow all her clothes..:) Several of her 12 months shirts are starting to get a little snug, maybe because they have been washed who knows...
playing Easter eggs with G-daddy, now she just likes to dump them on the floor...

She thought it was funny when G-daddy put 1/2 an egg on her head, she tried to shake it off but finally had to knock it off with her hand..
We went for a walk with our neighbor &her dog, she just got back from being with her daughter for the birth of her first grandchild , she stayed 3 1/2 weeks but they live in FL. Reminds me how BLESSED I am to see my sweet Taylor almost every day, I am very thankful.....

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