Chuck came up with a good idea to help with hanging my wall of photos, I ahd the pictures all laid out on a table in the computer room, so we made a masking tape outline of the size & then we put it on the hall wall to know where to hang the photos

Taylor was feeling better , enjoyed her bagel with jelly

so big in the recliner

we made chocolate chip cookies for afternoon snack

Last night (to late for us) Chuck decided to start hanging the pictues, unfortunatley I got some out of order & it got a bit frustrating so we had to move some around, Left some empty holes & went to bed, decided fresh perspective in the morning would be better

Taylor came & stayed today while Mommy & Daddy went to the movies, I had to make a snack for Bible Study tonight so she helped me. I did decide the real hammer was to big for her

So I got her the hammer from the play tool bench, She helped me crush the graham crackers.

Peanut Butter Bars
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup butter
Melt these 2 ingredients together
2 cups crushed graham crackers
2 cups powdered sugar
Pour into greased 9x13 pan
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
4 TBSP peanut butter
spread no top of the graham cracker mixture
Pretty good & very easy

T sleeping with her monkey

The Wall looks Great!!! I love it, filled in the spots with some vinyl words

Our Family, Est. 1983 are all vinyl

Helped Jess make her college roommate bridal shower invites, well we made 1 , I will make the rest later.
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