Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Easter, slides .....

Taylor & I were busy today we walked on the walkway & visited Uncle Ronnie & Aunt Barb & then dropped some stuff off at the church, got out our Easter decorations, had a few easter egg hunts :) Had a former preschool mom & her daughter stop by to visit for awhile (no nap for T) :( then played outside with G-daddy until family dinner at 5 (mommy had a dr appt), Aunt Joyce & Uncle Gerald came for dinner, T was VERY hungry today, she ate all day long.. She did well but was pretty tired when they left a little after 6.

I gave Taylor an Easter basket & I would lay the eggs around the living room & then she would "find" them. It was cute..
our little bunny
We put up the Easter story magnets
Trying out the new slide G-daddy put up..
She loves the slide. Its crazy, she goes pretty fast, I was at the bottom...
Already a rebel trying to climb up...
We went for a walk around the block it was pretty windy, not sure if that is why Taylor laid her head on the steering wheel..It was funny...

We have this little square in the front that Taylor was enjoying playing in the rocks, G-daddy & I decided maybe we would box that little square in & make a little sand box for her to play in out front, when I want to sit on the swing. We are putting a snad area under the tree house in the back yard., Be nice to have something our front to play in..
She was proud of herself so she was clapping...:)

collecting eggs, she is getting practiced up for the "real" egg hunts...

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