Thursday, March 22, 2012

Taylor Tiger outfit

Taylor trying one of cousin Christina fruit rolls up she sent for G-daddy birthday, she didnt really like them. My sister sent Chuck stamps & I put LD in his basket so all of his jobs were represented for his bday basket..
cute little Tiger outfit. She really fills it in, saw a lot of her belly & diaper today..Good thing it was warm enough to wear it now, might have outgrown it before she got to wear it. She was a cutie

Reading Grandma KINDLE...
getting the mail
of course we have to read it..

Tried to make a towel cake for a shower gift. I didnt have the right sizes of towels so it didnt really work

I ended up taking the silly thing apart..
Played i the playroom in the basement love her face

It was actually a little cool down there, compared to the 84 degrees upstairs, felt good who knew in middle of March it is HOT!!!

She enjoyed a miniature of her car. Fun to see her play with toys Jess & Nat played with when they were her age, takes me back...:)

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