Sunday, February 5, 2012

Book "Rhythm of Life"

We need to create a lifestyle that will allow our needs, desires, and talents to live in harmony. This dynamic collaboration is the key to living life to the fullest & becoming the best-version-of-ourselves. 3 circles that should interconnect are "What you are passionate about", "What you need to thrive", "What you were born to do. If you made a circle for each of these with them all connecting in the middle the overlapped middle part represents "the best version of yourself. If I knew how it illustrate it I would..:)

Prayer is a contraction. In prayer we close ourselves off from the world, from people, places & possessions, we abandon the seduction of noise, & close our eyes. But from this contraction is born the most remarkable expansions & we are empowered by the Divine Spirit to see things before unseen, to hear things before unheard, and to become an unimagined creation.
Prayer is a contraction that produces an expansion.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know .
Be still.

There are 4 simple steps that will empower you to make a difference in other people's lives and lead you along the path of greatness.

Step one
When you wake up tomorrow, remind yourself of your goal , your point B, your essential purpose to become the best-version-of-yourself.
Step two
The next step is to ask yourself, "Whose day can I make today?"
Step three
Now ask yourself, "How can I make that person;s day?"
Step four
When you have made these first 3 steps, shower & have breakfast, but then just before racing into t he day, take a few minutes to plan, reflect & pray. Visualize how you would like your day to unfold. Make a plan to fulfill your legitimate needs physically, emotionally, intellectually & spiritually. Take a moment to become aware of, & to appreciate, all you have & all you are, & then you will be ready for the day.
We need to plan & prepare for our day instead of letting whatever happens happen...

Francis of Assisi said "First do what is necessary, then what is possible, and before long you will be doing the impossible.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the acquired ability to move beyond fear. Each day we must pass through the jungles of doubt & cross the valley of fear. For it is only then that we can live in the high places- on the peaks of courage.

Just some things I found interesting in this book. I will add a list of great ways to communicate...later....

Off to the Zickafooses for a super bowl party....

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