Last night as I was getting supper ready Taylor saw the peas & started her sign language of more , & please, she knows when she signs please she can have just about anything.LOL

She ahs a new thing about wanting the containers everything comes in so I poured some peas in her little container she was very happy...

Playing today in her play room, she loves to throw the balls out of the ball pit.

pushing her baby, Tyson is such a good sport , she feeds her baby with the bottle then while he is laying on the bed she tries to feed him the bottle, he just lets her try until I tell her she has to stop that Tyson doesnt want any..

Poor little T has a cold so we have been working on wiping our nose & covering our mouth when we cough, she actually does pretty good, its pretty cute to watch..

once again she wanted the box the raisins came in so Iguess that is another fine motor skill..

She is so funny she says Yep a lot & shakes her head yes & no. Thankfully not to many no's

She loves music & dancing & when the hokey pokey comes on she puts her foot out like she is doing it & When you happy & you know it she knows to clap her hands...
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