Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Rythym of Life book continued.....

The communication principle is "Be clear, concise, open & honest.
Communication is an art. These are some lessons the author shared from watching some great communicators at work:
Let others talk
Avoid arguments
Dont complain
Give honest & sincere compliments
Be more ready to compliment than to criticize
Invite input
Make a point to remember people's names: it is music to their ears
Never be afraid to seek advice
Never criticize someone in front of other people
Be aware of other people's desires
Find joy & pleasure through taking an interest in people
Talk about yourself only if asked
Smile- its contagious & opens people's hearts
Learn to listen
Remember people's birthdays and anniversaries- it shows you care
Encourage people to share about themselves
Engage people where they are- talk in relation to their interests
Help other people discover their uniqueness, to feel special & important without patronizing them
Respect others opinions
Admit when you are wrong
Be kind & friendly to every person you meet
Ask questions people respond to positively
Encourage other people in their dreams- particularly children
Try to see it from the other persons point of view
Hold up ideals
Challenge people gently
Talk about your own failures
Appeal to higher motives
Always look for yourself in other & others in yourself- it affirms the oneness of the human family
Affirm the highest values of the human spirit
Never pass up an opportunity to speak a kind word of appreciation. There are 6 billion people on the planet & 5.9 billion of them go to bed every night starving for one honest word of appreciation.

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