Chuck took pictures of me boxing & playing tennis on the WII & said I had to post some of them or he would post all of them, so here they are...There were some acward looking ones so I decided I better pick a few that were not so bad

Taylor putting on some of Nana lip balm

helping gma make cookies

she enjoyed the beater

And the cookie, she is sneaky, I had the plate of cookies on the counter wrapped up (for our company dinner that night), she was sitting a few feet away from the plate on the counter & she was doing her uh uh & reaching toward the plate I told her no that she already had her cookie, I turned around to get something off the other counter & when I turned back she was eating a cookie. LOL It was pretty funny, but she got a little talkin to for not listening to gma..

playing the game "where is the ball" with Nana, she is pretty smart about when you move the cups around knowing which cup it is under...

ta da!!!!!
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