So Im finally feeling food enough to start on my photo project. Ive been wanting to so a wall grouping in the front hallway & also our bedroom, & I saw this idea on Pinterest (I know some of you are sick of Pinterest but too bad I love it)LOL... So I was lucky enough to get my Uncle Gerald to cut all my wood 4x6, 5x7 & 8x10 & bless his heart he even sanded them really nice. I painted the edges & part of the top black as you can see above.

Here are some that are almost done


The next step was to modge podge the photos on the board. Its ok if the photo isnt exactly the right size because the black paint covers it up

Here they are waiting for me to put the top coat of modge podge on & then Chuck will drill a little hole in the back or we will put hanger hardware on the back & then I can start laying them out & decide how I want to group them. I have lots more photos tha I would like to do if it turns out nice. Some day soon I will hopefully have a picture to post of them hanging on the wall...:)
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