I needed to make lots of cards, so I worked yesterday on a variety of cards & then today I worked on graduation cards. The 50 card in the back is a countdown to my brothers 50
th bday. I think I counted that next Thursday it will be 50 days till his 50
th bday..:) Mothers Day is coming up, we had a young man from church earn his Eagle Scout, a few
bday, anniversaries & I threw in a
couple of baby cards just
cuz I had some cute paper :)

Made this cute graduation hat
goodie box to give to the kids from church who we
dont know very well, I will put candy in them.

I told Chuck I thought we only had maybe 3 graduations,
hmm then I counted up & we have 7. Whew... I tried to make their cap in their school colors

Emmy taking a nap on T's bed, sounds like a good idea to me. I think I will quit for today. I wanted to finish some scrap pages that just need some
journaling & maybe a title but
didnt get to it, Maybe
while T is napping tomorrow I will work on that. Nice to have a couple of days to play in the craft room..:)