Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weathering the Storms- devotional from the Upper Room

Jesus said "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world.--John 16:33

A severe rainstorm approached our town like a threatening & uninvited house guest. The media warned us to prepare, so my husband cleaned our rain gutters and stored our lawn furniture. I gathered flashlights and bottled water. At dawn we awoke to wind gusting through the trees as a downpour hammered the ground. But because we had prepared, we were able to face the storm with less anxiety.
Life is full of times of preparation, We prepare for school exams, & job promotions. We prepare for a baby to be born, retirement & yes even for harsh weather. Should we not then prepare our minds and spirits for life's inevitable personal storms.
When we faithfully read the Bible and pray, we prepare spiritually for the storms of life. This may sound simple, but such disciplines help us to know God's character more deeply so that when trials occur, we wont feel overwhelmed and question God's goodness. Instead because of our intimacy with God, we will know that God is ever present in any storm. And we can know God's peace through it all.
Thought for the day: We have no choice about when storms come, but we can choose to prepare our spirit to face them.

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