my bargains from the church rummage, no one bought them so at the end of the sale they sold it to me for 50 cents, will be nice to have with the new baby

really nice baby bath again 50 cents..
ok so usually I put money in envelopes each time Chuck & I get paid. If you have ever heard of Dave Ramsey he teaches about the envelope method. Well I decided I wanted something a little cooler than envelopes so I made these jars to hold our money. He preaches you need to pay cash for everything instead of credit cards etc. My "save" jar is for a new kitchen, "trips" is for our vacation, "give" holds the money we tithe from watching T (Chucks pay we tithe to the church), my tithe we look for things going on around us to donate or help with. "Live" is the fun money we can spend from pay check to pay check, when its gone its gone...til the next pay & if there is any left at the next pay I move it to the trips or kitchen fund..:) I would
like to find a box or tray to put all the jars in.
Hmm have to be on the lookout for that.

I save a lot of my food jars & clean them out to
repurpose for something else (today is Earth Day ya know :), These are Salsa jars....I painted the lids & used my cricut to cut the black oval words out of vinyl that woudl stick to the jars.
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