Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Love In Love Out- Devotion

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.. Leviticus 19:18 (also read Mark 12:28-34- talks more about this same scripture). The verse quoted above is repeated in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, Galatians and James. What an important teaching this verse must be to be included so many times in the Bible! Yet many of us have difficulty with it- partly because we do not understand that without self love we cannot love our neighbor.
I realized this when I began to resent the time I spent doing things for an elderly relative. I felt as though I had no time for myself. I was tired, cranky & resentful. I had to discover what it meant to love myself. I found that for me it was any number of simple acts of lovingly caring for myself so that I could care for others. I had to learn to say no without guilt when my intuition so directed. When life became hectic, I reminded myself to eat balanced meals, get adequate rest & exercise, take time to laugh, make time for self renewel in walks, meditation, prayer, reading, a luxurious soak in a warm bath , or a conversation with a close friend.
These little ways of taking care of myself become deposits into my energy bank. When I remember to do them, my life is like a full checking account. I have resources to care for others.
Thought for Day: The foundation of loving others is loving God & self.

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