Friday, April 13, 2012

G-daddy day off

G-daddy made cinnamon biscuits for breakfast
they were finger lickin good
2 times a year at the 4-H fair grounds a former preschool mom Cindy (a friend of my sisters growing up) has a Kidsignment sale, & 2 times a year she has a Ladiesignment & basically its like a resale shop, that people can put their stuff in but it has to be good quality no stains, rips etc & you mark it & she makes a percentage, it is a BIG sale with anything & everything you can imagine. SO we went looking for Jess some maternity stuff & T some 12 months spring/summer stuff. Above is the maternity stuff we got Jess 3 of the things still had original price tag of $36 a piece & I paid $6 a piece.
above is what T got, we were looking for a double stroller & another toddler bed for their house
Taylor is starting to get the concept of putting the sand in the bucket
washing our hands before lunch, she enjoyed that
Chuck let Emmy (our indoor only cat) out front, she was very hesitant

she got a little braver but she kept crying & finally stood by the door begging to go back in.
T & her funny face

We were blowing the bubbles Auntie Nat got T for Easter they smell

Eating the goldfish crackers Baby Z gave to G-daddy for his 50th bday

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