Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taylor working on dressing herself :)

Playing this morning
Taking baby for a ride, hope she doesnt fall out :)
giving baby a horsey ride, she was so proud of herself getting on the horse with her baby all by herself
she surrounded herself with her stuffed animals
enjoying the chair nana brought her
golf anyone?

She enjoys the photos on her bulletin board, we need to put more up there.
She didnt want to get dressed, lucky her room was nice & toasty warm.
After awhile I told her to get her socks on, she was so cute & very determined to do it by herself

trying to put on her pants
when she stood up instead of pulling up she tried pushing them down
next comes the shoes
pretending to snore like G-daddy it was pretty funny
working on coming down the stairs on our little bottom

cant remember if I posted Jess picture wall, with the cool Zickafoose name sign Grandma Jackie found for them.
She was into laying all over the place today.
snoring again like g-daddy
squatting just cuz I think its so cute
nap time for everyone even the dogs

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