Thursday, April 12, 2012


It was a little cold this morning on our walk so we bundled up. We will be glad when we dont have to wear all these clothes, we got spoiled by our little taste of spring a few weeks back
what a cute face
she loves this pizza, it has velcro to attach the pieces together , she likes pulling the apart.

I guess she & Jess found this connect 4 game in the closet over the weekend. she does pretty good with it. & its good for fine motor skills, pinching the round disk in her fingers & then getting it in the opening.
yes I love the squat... :)
little daredevil decided to climb up on the outside of the ball pit
She had her baby & I asked her if she wanted to rock & sing to her baby like grandma does her, it was very sweet she rocked & made some sounds not sure what song she was singing.

A friend at church gave us some hostus (spelling probably not right)

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