Sunday, April 15, 2012

Below the surface devotional

Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw (the woman weeping & bathing Jesus' feet with her tears) he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would have known who & what kind of woman this is who is touching him- Luke 7:39

Recently as we traveled the familiar road toward our home, I took time to look beyond the front yards of the houses we passed & to focus on what lay behind them. I was surprised to see rose gardens & gazebos that I had failed to notice before, as well as garages, shops & even a trash pile that wasnt readily obvious.
Reflecting on this , I realized that usually I look only at the surface of both the places & the people. I judge by outward appearances, often not taking time to look behind the exteriors.
The Bible tells us that Jesus saw more then the obvious. He recognized "flower beds" in lives deemed ugly.
Too often we do not see what lies in the "backyards" of other people. But when we strive to look closely at the people we meet we can grow to love them as Christ does.

Thought for the day: Jesus valued each person he met; so can I.
Prayer focus: To see the good in others.

Good reminder for me......Have a wonderful sunday...

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