Yesterday we decided to take out 2 bushes up by the front door they have been half dead for a few years.

Now to figure out what to do with that space now.

I enjoy the
messages on the church board up the road from us...

T got a little bath after our walk seems to be the one time she cant hold the potty til we get home. Other than that no accident day even at nap..Yippee!!!!

She thought it was hysterical to dump the water from her side of the sink to the other side.

Mommy asked us to make play dough for her classroom

T was a big help

She is doing better this year about not trying to eat the play dough & was getting the hang of rolling it out & using cookie cutters, but she kept saying "ball" over & over she wanted me to make balls

We made a little nest & then she made "eggs" to put in the nest
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