Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rough Day

Started morning off eating breakfast on the walkway, soaked the stroller with potty
caught her on the potty pulling all the tissues out of the box funny thing when I came in & got after her she squinted her eyes like I couldnt see her I had to leave the bathroom before I started laughing
worked in the nursery at church , she got to play with a new little friend Izzy..

having a little snack of grapes & watermelon
yes she has a diaper she wet 3 times at church, I ran out of clean panites & clothes, lucky for me she did manage to poop in the potty today instead of her pants but that is all she did.

Soaked her high chair in pee after lunch.. UGH.. Not a good potty day at all, wonder if it something to do with this cold she has..Tomorrow is a new day :)

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