Taylor was funny this morning , Jess got her out of the car & she just stood by the car door, I guess she figured it out momma is back to work & Im not just coming to grandma's for fun, well its fun here but you get the picture. Today was our last day of volunteering for the Summer food program. Taylor eats breakfast there to, as we know T will eat anytime food is offered. She did so good with her potty today,no accidents, she went 3 times while we were at the Y volunteering..

We went to Walmart to find some thicker training underpants & plastic panties. They dont carry the heavy thick ones we put on our kids (I guess that is something to add to your list grandma Jackie find us some thick training pants. Im sorry but those thin little cutsey panties hold nothing she might as well be underpantless LOL, We were smelling the little wax scent things you melt in your house..She was so funny smelling away...

we stopped by the kids resale store to look for panties & found this big wheel trainer bike instead.

She can just reach the pedals so it might be a bit before she gets the pedaling down but atleast I can push her & help her get the motion down.

She wanted to sit at the other desk while I was on the computer this morning

I sure wish that vaccum really worked...

She thinks its fun to throw things in the pack & play then get in & drop them back out.Look at how big she is too bad I dont have a picture to put beside it from last spring when she was still napping in it.

Well my uncluttered front of fridge became filled again with T's letter thing.Really working on making her try to say words instead of communicating other ways. G- daddy taught her to give kisses on your check it was sweet when Jess picked her up she kept kissing her on the cheek. It was such a joy & blessing to see Jess excited about teaching, she was smiling & talking so happy about it when she picked T up. Looking forward to a happy momma & happy toddler this school year..:)
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