Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cleaning Nursery & Chalk Drawing

Grandma put pigtails in this morning, Taylor's hair is getting really long..
We went to church this morning to clean & reorganize the nursery. I guess now that I have 1 & soon to be 2 grandchildren that will be in there I have a little more interest..:) Taylor played while Ms Sandie & I worked...

Taylor did well with the potty at church & stayed dry the whole time, she was very good at entertaining herself..
T took a good nap today, maybe to make up for yesterday. Getting her shades & bracelet on before we went outside.
Drawing with the chalk, Im not sure she knew what to do with it.
I traced around her (& she stayed very still)

Then we colored her in
Then G-Daddy got home from work & he let us draw around him

Then momma showed up :)

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