Went to the MOPS(Mothers of Preschoolers) at College Church rummage this morning. Several of my old preschool moms are involved. T had to go to the bathroom, those are some NICE bathrooms, the year we went to church there I must have never used the bathroom since I dont remember seeing them.. T enjoyed it.

another rummage we went to T found this basketball thing she is all about BALLS...

Jess said are you ready to go & she calmly said NO...

I found her a nice painting easel for my house at the last rummage we went to. It is offical we cannot put one more thing in the playroom in the basement.:)
Going on a Mystery Date with our friends the Kinch's. We were told to wear casual clothing we will be outside & not to eat..The last time Rex Kinch was in charge of our date night, we ended up in Ft Wayne to go to a Comet game but didnt have tickets so we couldnt get in & couldnt get into any restaurants without reservations without waiting hours so we ended up at Long JOhn Silvers & a cheapy movie place..LOL We havent let him live it down so he is going to try to redeem himself...
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