Clearing out Jess classroom at Mississinewa which we just finished getting ready on Tues of this past week:)

college roomie Michelle happened to come for a visit today

snack time for T

T was packed all around with stuff

my van & Jeremy (Nats fiance) truck was completely full & he & I went back & filled my van & part of his truck again..

goodbye Westview, you were a good stepping stone for Jess

T helping Jeremy get rid of stuff in Jess new classroom, the teacher before her just left all the stuff its crammed full of stuff that needs going through & purged...

whew all that hard work she needed a ride back to the room..:)

T found a roll of ribbon & proceeded to wrap herself up we decided she would be a good gift to get..

Jess new room, yes its a mess, hopefully will look better in a few days

taking a break. 10-6 we didnt stop all day.. Jess was blessed to have great helpers.

Hello Converse Elementary, Im sure you & Jess will enjoy many years together....:)

What a whirlwind, Mississinewa & Oak HIll both start on Mon with teachers day, Jess interviewed & got the Oak Hill job on Thursday night, so it looks like it will be a very busy weekend getting ready...
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