Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Overweight Physically & Underweight Spiritually

Thought for the day: God made us capable of craving so we'd have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only One capable of satisfying them.
The author says her journey to healthy eating dint gain traction by counting calories or obeying rules of the food pyramid. It began when she admitted she was overweight physically. But more importantly she was underweight spiritually. Tying these 2 issues together is what opened her eyes to see God in a whole new way. She relates the story of the rich man who even those he has lots of STUFF he still feels something is missing, he asks Jesus what he still lacks & Jesus says sell every thing & you will have treasure in Heaven & follow me. He goes away sad because he wont give up the one thing that consumes him. He is so full with his riches he cant see how undernourished his soul is. The author says at this point we look at the rich people & think "Well I hope they get this message. Good thing Im not rich. God thing Jesus doesnt ask me to sacrifice in this way. Or does He? Jesus meant his comment for any of us who wallow in whatever abundance we have. Jesus might have looked into this young mans soul & said "I want you to give up the one thing that you crave more than Me". The author says for her , she was like the rich man when it came to eating. She chose junky food over good food, even when it gave her headaches, sluggishness & extra weight. I refused to give up my daily brownie. (Ouch some books know how to hit you where it hurts-brownies are my all time favorite snack, dessert)..
God made us capable of craving so we would have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only One capable of satisfying them. Its easy to feel that our struggle with food is such an unfair deal. But she encourages us to see the process today as a path that offers both physical & spiritual benefits.

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