Monday, August 29, 2011

Scrap page

Shirley came on Saturday. I didnt get much done, but finally made a new page to hang in the office/scrap room. The page that was hanging there before was when Matt & Jess told us 2 Easters ago that we were going to be grandparents..
Now I have something new to look at when I walk onthe treadmill :) Hard to believe Taylor is already 9 months..
Ran over to the kids for a few minutes last night, they were lowering T's crib, she is starting to stand up in her crip & they were afraid she would fall out or start climbing out, she is getting more adventuresome. They needed to borrow a tool.
G-daddy & daddy lowering the crib
When we got there, they were outside trimming a bush, Taylor had on the same shirt as g-daddy so of course we needed a picture. Good thing grandma ALWAYS has her camera with her :)

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