Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bible Study Group Game night

Nieman Marcus Cheese Spread
2 oz slivered almonds
8-12 slices crumbled bacon (or use packaged bacon pieces)
6-8 green onions- chopped fine
1 Hellmans Mayo
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Mix all & refrigerate overnight & serve with crackers
(This recipe came from Carla Trout)
We had our Bible Study over for a game night & ended up playing Warlords & Scumbags, we made a hat for the scumbag to wear, Chuck put it on the watermelon
He decided the watermelon needed a face :)
Jessica Snyder was the 1st Scumbag of the night
followed by Rod Harmon
followed by Scott Snyder
followed by Chuck
The whole group Snyders, Harmons, Cathy Garriott & Jean Sutter
The all time winner of being the scumbag the most times was Scott so Chuck put the label on his head as he left.

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