Friday, September 2, 2011

Thankful/abundance list for today

1. getting my groceries & wasnt too bad even though it is the 2nd of the month
2. central air 100 degrees today
3. playing with Taylor
4. Taylor sweet disposition & easy going attitude
5. Taylors laugh , smiles & kisses
6. seeing Taylor face light up talking to Nana & G-daddy & her kissing the phone
7. Chuck bringing home dinner so we didnt have to cook something in the heat
8. payday
9. pocket camera to carry with me at all times to take fun pictures of everything(mostly T)
10. buying hot pink, lime green & purple tulle to make T a fluffy tulle skirt
11. reading Nats posts about her loving where her life is right now
12. seeing Jess with Taylor & what a good mommy she is
13. good books on the KINDLE
14. clean house
15. talking to my mom on the phone
16. hearing that people enjoy reading my blog
17. working out (even though I didnt feel like it)
18. car with air conditioning
Ok I guess you get it I could go on & on.. Feeling very blessed these days. Now go make your own list...

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