Monday, September 5, 2011

Taylor 10 month photo shoot

Started off the day with strawberry pancakes. Im wearing alot of them...:) They were yummy
Im wearing my Detriot Tigers sweat outfit. It was to HOT to wear it to the game a few weeks ago, but today its cool out so its perfect

I match my cute litte pink & purple bike from grandma & grandpa Vanzant :)I cant reach the pedals just yet anyways its more fun when mommy pushes me :)
Trying to get some smiles, Taylor wasnt very smiley today. Partly I think because it was kind of cold with the wind blowing..
We decided to go to the sunflower garden up the road, Aunt Natalie was funny she kept saying I dont think we should be doing this, mommy & grandma thought it was funny since Aunt NAt is usually the more adventurous one :)

changes clothes in the car (what us models have to put up with sometimes in our working situations) :)
grandma vanzant bought me this cute hat & purse that go with the book Fancy Nancy

I wasnt to keen on the hat

mommy chatting with me

Brrrr its cold out here....Where's my agent- I cant work under these conditions :)

Pretty Princess


now Im happy its almost over
Put some play clothes on me.....

lovin on Aunt Natalmost forgot the 10 month bear photo.....

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